segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2009

Weather nothing to be thankful for

Less than three weeks after Calgary shattered a heat record and marked its hottest day of 2009, temperatures have gone from one extreme to the other, plummeting to a new low today.

The mercury dropped to -16.1C about 8 a.m. breaking the previous record of -13.3C set more than eight decades ago in 1928.

“We broke it by nearly three degrees and this is a longstanding record,” said Brian Proctor, meteorologist.

“It’s uncommon; we usually break our records by one degree, two at most.”

O artigo completo está aqui:

PS: Eu saí de manhã para brincar de foguete com o Arthur - achando que fosse estar -8 graus - mas na verdade eram uns -12, e uns -16 umas horas antes.


2 comentários:

César, Valéria, Lara e Anaclara disse...

Isso é que é frio. O resto, é resto.

E a vida segue...

Junior Barreto disse...

Meu velho, eu te mandei um email, vc viu ?


Junior Barreto